West Oso Independent School is helping teachers with their cell phone and Internet bills.
Since the stay-at-home order was announced, teachers have been offering instruction to their students through online distance learning.

West Oso ISD Superintendent Conrado Garcia said the teachers are using their cell phones and wi-fi to teach students online. So he, along with the school board, decided to provide all teachers with three $50 stipends for the months of April, May and June to help pay for cell phone and wi-Fi costs.
"They have just been remarkable. So, I was thinking, as much as we've asked them to give up of themselves -- give up their time and their families while they do teaching from home -- the least we could do is to offset some costs such as internet, cell phone, because I look at it (as) the home is their classroom," Garcia said, "they need supplies just like they would at school, and this is one of their supplies."
Garcia said the teachers were excited when he made the announcement last week.
About 150-160 teachers will receive the stipend.

"As time goes on, if we have to do some other things, we'll certainly keep looking at it. I feel very strongly that this was the right thing to do for our teachers," Garcia said. "They deserve it."