CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Another blast of cold air is headed to the Coastal Bend and freezing temperatures are in the forecast for Thursday and Friday nights. We've hit the freezing mark before but when it's a hard freeze, impacts are greater.
You may have heard the terms light freeze or hard freeze. It's less common to see a hard freeze this far south but it does happen, as we found out with the Big Freeze in February 2021 which had major impacts.
A light freeze is defined as temperatures falling to the freezing mark or just below freezing to 29 degrees. It can damage or kill tender plants. Indoor pipes normally do not freeze but some exposed outdoor pipes and sprinkler systems will.
A hard freeze is when temperatures drop to 28 degrees or lower for an extended period of time (usually at least a couple of hours), which can kill most crops and or patio plants. It can also cause any exposed outdoor pipes and uninsulated indoor pipes that are not warmed to freeze.
So anytime freezing temperatures are in the forecast, we need to remember the 4 protect people, plants, pipes and pets.
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