

Isolated showers Friday and Saharan dust for the weekend

Isolated showers Friday then hot and dry

A few showers and t-storms developed Thursday along the sea breeze but they were very spotty as they moved inland. Another batch of t-showers will move through our far western counties in the evening but will miss most of the Coastal Bend.

We'll have a chance of showers Friday. Isolated to widely scattered showers and t-storms are possible as an upper level disturbance moves through south Texas, interacting with tropical moisture and our sea breeze.

A few are expected to develop at the coast in the morning then become widely scattered through the afternoon as they develop over land then end by early evening.

Temperatures will be a bit lower Friday, reaching the upper 90s inland, lower 90s in Corpus Christi to upper 80s at the beaches.

The high pressure ridge aloft will take over again this weekend and keep it hot, humid and dry with above average temperatures. High temperatures will reach 100-103 inland, mid to upper 90s in Corpus Christi and near 90 at the coast. South-southeast winds will be light in the morning then increase to 15-20 mph in the afternoon. Heat indices will reach 105-110 each day during peak heating.

The Saharan dust layer is forecast to arrive in South Texas by the weekend through Monday giving us hazy skies and could reduce our air quality a bit.