

Holiday weekend forecast

and last updated

We'll have pretty good weather to enjoy the holiday weekend but some areas could get some rain. Spotty showers and t-storms are possible Saturday but many areas will be missed. Highs will stay in the upper 90s well inland Saturday to the low-mid 90s around Corpus Christi and upper 80s at the beaches. A slot of dry air moves in Sunday ahead of a tropical wave. This will keep us sunny and dry Sunday and bring humidity down a bit which will allow temperatures to climb a couple degrees. Winds this weekend will stay under 15 mph from the east-northeast which will make for good boating or fishing conditions. Bays are expected to be smooth Saturday and Sunday with seas at 2-3 feet. Winds will increase a bit Monday with 3-4 foot seas and slightly choppy bays. As the tropical moisture starts moving in Monday, our chance of showers and t-storms returns with the best chance of rain Tuesday. This will also bring temperatures down slightly for the start of the week with heat indices staying under 108 degrees.

Saturday: Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and t-storms and highs from the upper 90s well inland to the lower 90s in Corpus Christi and upper 80s at the beaches and southeast to east winds at 6-13 mph. Heat indices will reach 100-107 degrees.

Sunday: Mostly sunny and hot with highs near 100 inland, upper 90s in Corpus Christi and near 90 at the beaches with east-northeast winds at 6-13 mph. Heat indices will reach 99-103.

Monday: Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and t-storms. Highs will reach the upper 90s well inland to the lower 90s in Corpus Christi and upper 80s at the beaches and east-northeast winds at 8-18 mph. Heat indices will reach 100-106 degrees.