

Areas of fog the next couple of mornings


From too windy last week to not windy enough this week—the lack of wind the next two mornings will lead to fog development around the Coastal Bend.

Tuesday’s forecast

We’ll have a little fog and some clouds to start the day, but this should burn away within the first few hours after sunup. Otherwise, high clouds will stream overhead, but some sunshine will be possible at times. Highs will be in the low 70s.

There is a brief window for a couple of showers to develop during the evening and overnight. Most folks will stay dry, but you can’t rule out one or two showers.

Wednesday’s forecast

Another foggy morning is in the cards, but the skies will gradually give way to more sunshine. We’ll see warmer temperatures in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees.

Thursday’s forecast

A cold front will come through early Thursday which will give us abundant sunshine. Temperatures will still make it to near 70 degrees. Winds will also be very gusty—20-30 mph.