

SUNSHINE ALERT: Sun returns by Thursday


The gray and gloom decided to stay in the Coastal Bend for the start of this week, but a welcome visitor will grace our skies by the end of the week—how about our old friend the sun.

Tuesday’s forecast

The clouds are going to stick around, and the chance of scattered, light rain will continue as well. The rain will mostly just be nuisance rain as opposed to anything substantial. This will keep the temperatures below average—in the 60s.

A Coastal Flood Advisory is in effect through Wednesday morning for the potential of elevated tides, but this is only for the Gulf facing beaches on the islands. Tides could run as much as two feet above average.

Wednesday’s forecast

Hurricane Willa that is now in the Pacific will make landfall in Mexico on Tuesday. The storm will weaken as it moves over land, but the moisture from the storm will be pulled toward Texas. This will create the chance for more rain on Wednesday, but the heaviest should remain to our north.

Regardless, the clouds and rain will fill the skies, and temperatures will hold near 70 degrees.

Thursday through Saturday

In Willa’s wake, high pressure will fill in, and guess what that means? S-U-N-S-H-I-N-E! In fact, the sun looks to stick around through the weekend, and as a result temperatures warm up into the 70s and 80s.