
Tuloso Midway Seniors protest school district's graduation plan

and last updated

Seniors at Tuloso Midway High School hit the streets to protest this evening.

The students are protesting in response to a decision made by the Tuloso Midway Independent School District regarding their graduation ceremony plan.

Early last week, the district voted on having a split graduation ceremony over two nights. The school district says they decided to do this because of the class size, limited spacing, and to still observe social distancing guidelines set by the Texas Governor.

"The coronavirus has definitely put a damper on graduation this year but we want to do everything we can to recognize our seniors and at the same time accommodate the safety of our students, parents, and staff," said Superintendent Rodney Sumner in s press release.

However, some seniors aren't too happy about this.

We did reach out to the school district for their response on tonight's protest. But have yet to hear back from them. You can read the entire statement the district released Friday.