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Sinton and Gregory-Portland battle for first time since 2007 in Game of the Week


PORTLAND, Texas — Don't let the records fool you in week four's Game of the Week. Sinton (3-0) and Gregory-Portland (0-3) renew their matchup that has been dormant since 2007.

The Sinton Pirates continue to roll through opponents, garnering a 3-0 record for the first time since 2017. It's been a confidence boost for the Pirates.

“Confidence wise, we’ve always been really confident in everything, but that’s making us a little more confident into achieving our goals,” Sinton defensive end and tight end Adrian DeAses said.

"It's really pushing us to win more games and get better," Pirates safety and senior Quincy Rhines said.

However, Head Coach Michael Troutman said that's just the standard.

"That means we've got to pick it up even more because the pressure is on us and pressure is a privilege. And so, in that case, we've got to pick it up more. We've got to be more focused, we've got to be locked in. We've got to make sure every rep that we get in practice is working towards the bigger goals that we have," he said.

The focus turns to consistency and putting four quarters of good football together.

Sinton was featured in KRIS 6's last Game of the Week where they ran through Alice 42-12, but not without a back-and-forth first half where Sinton made mistakes.

Fortunately for them, they’re learning from it.

“We can come back and fix our mistakes just like we do in practice sometimes,” Rhines said.

“What I was really impressed is that they were coachable, they listened to the halftime adjustments. You put it on them to figure out what kind of team they are because any time is great when things are going good, but the true character of a team is when you’re faced with adversity," Troutman said.

Adversity is exactly what Gregory-Portland has faced to start the year. No one, especially themselves, had expected the Wildcats to start 0-3, but it’s not for a lack of talent.

“We’re playing good we’re just making too many mistakes. You know, turning the ball over four times and not getting any, you’re not going to win those games and that’s what we got to clean up,” Wildcat Head Coach Brent Davis said.

Everything is still ahead for the Wildcats as district play approaches. they're still favored to claim a playoff spot in 5A-Division II in a new district featuring the majority of Corpus Christi schools.

Even then, head coach Brent Davis said the rough start hasn’t discouraged his boys.

“Attitude’s great. These kids are resilient. They’re going to come every day and work their tail off no matter what and we know that. And, that’s going to pay off for us in the future,” he said.

This game matches up two senior quarterbacks who were featured in our KRIS 6 Super 6 Showcase: Sinton’s Triston Handson and G-P’s Reed Dooms.

To watch the Super 6 Showcase, click here.

This one kicks-off Friday at 7 p.m. G-P's Ray Akins Wildcat Stadium. Highlights and the trophy presentation to the winning team will be shown on Friday Night Fever on KRIS 6 News at 10 p.m.

For more Friday Night Fever updates, click here, or follow our Facebook page.