With supplies running low nationwide, CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline was still able to secure another shipment of a COVID-19-fighting drug.
“It’s a great, and welcome, addition to our treatment options," said CHRISTUS Spohn Infectious Disease Specialist and Local Health Authority Dr. Srikanth Ramachandruni.
Gov. Greg Abbott issued a news release Tuesday announcing an additional shipment of Remdesivir to Spohn Shoreline. It's the hospital's fourth since the novel coronavirus pandemic began.
“I hope we don’t have to use it," the hospital's Director of Pharmacy Chad Wright said. "But, I am happy that we have the supply in case Dr. (Ramachandruni) deems it necessary.”
Patients have to meet certain qualifications to receive Remdesivir, and as of Friday, only five had.
“If you have any respiratory problems -- which pretty much means you need oxygen support -- that’s when we want to use it,” Ramachandruni said.
CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline is among 15 hospitals across the state that have received Remdesivir. Doctors use it in conjunction with other treatment options for the best results.
“(Convalescent) plasma, steroids, and Remdesivir together will give us the best chance for (defeating) this COVID-19,” he said.