

Woodsboro ISD plans demolition of its original high school


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Woodsboro High School was built in 1949. Those who grew up in the area more than likely walked the halls of this building and made lots of memories.

Some memories they said will last long after the school is knocked down next week.

“I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I had lots of good years here,” alumna, Roberta Davis said. 

Davis graduated from Woodsboro High School in 1957. She said inside the building she experienced the best of times. 

“I was a band duchess and a homecoming duchess and my only claim to fame is when I was named artery champion of Woodsboro High School,” Davis said. 

Roberta followed in the footsteps of her older siblings who graduated a few years before she did.

So, the school was always a part of her family’s legacy even as the campus changed.

First from high school to a junior high and now an elementary school. 

“All of my 3 children have gone to this school and my grandchildren have gone to school here. It’s a special place for me,” Davis said. 

With next week comes a demolition for the school building and excitement for Roberta. 

“I think it’s just wonderful,” Davis said. 

Leslie Garza is the incoming Superintendent for the Woodsboro ISD.

“It served its time. It was a glorious building but it's due for demo and get ready for a new building that will meet today’s standards and what we want to accomplish with 21st century learning, collaboration, technology and safety and security,” Davis said. 

Garza tells me the $32-million replacement will be a state-of-the-art building giving the next generations of students everything they need to make new memories. 

The Superintendent expects construction for the new school building to begin this summer.

Students should walk through its doors next year.