CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — On Tuesday, the Troubleshooters told the story about tall, uncut grass and weeds along O'Day Parkway, just off Weber, on the city's south side.
The neighbors living there provided us with pictures of snakes and possums roaming living the parkway.
They just couldn't understand why the city hadn't done anything about it.
Andy Liscano spoke with Rolando Mata, assistant director of the city's Public Works Department, about the problem. And today, there were two crews working to clear the land. One crew was mowing, the other crew was using weed eaters.
Mata told us crews are cutting tall grass and weeds across the city, but they're doing it section by section, and their activity is dictated by the weather.
The Coastal Bend has been experiencing near-record rainfall over the past month.
Mata says they don't want to risk getting their heavy equipment stranded in the mud.
As for the snakes, possums and other critters roaming the parkway, no one knows if they'll be forced out now that the tall grass is coming down.
Looks like this is another Troubleshooters case closed.