

Troubleshooters:; Petronila Case

Troubleshooters: Petronila Woman Gets Water Turned Back On After PUC Order
Sissy McMahan
and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A woman calls to tell us she doesn't have any water at her house.

But after our Andy Liscano made a series of phone calls, and the Texas Public Utilities Commission issued an order, her water is running at her house once again.

After 11 years of marriage, Saul Perez and Sissy McMahan divorced in December.

McMahan says they owned and lived in a house in Petronila the last 2 years.

Their plan was to eventually rent out a smaller fixer upper, also on the property.

But as part of the divorce, Mc Mahan was to move out of the big house by March 5, and into the smaller one, and fix it up with money given to her by Perez, according to the divorce documents.

Most folks out in these parts of Nueces County, like Perez and McMahan, get their water from the Violet Water Supply Company. A non-profit.

But Perez sent McMahan this eviction notice since she had not honored the terms of the divorce decree.

He also had Violet cut off the water to the big house even though McMahan was still living there.

And that's when she called us for help.

"I wanted to live here because it's a humble beginning after divorce," she told us.

So the Troubleshooters went to Violet Water Supply to ask if anything could be done to help McMahan.

We also showed them this order issued by the Texas Public Utilities Commission called the COVID-19 Relief Program.

It suspends late fees and disconnects of water, power, and sewer utilities for at least 6 months.

You can read the PUC's entire statement on our website...k-z-t-v-10-dot-com.

Violet Water Supply said they'd check to see if the order applied to Perez and McMahan.

Within an hour, they called back, and after checking with their attorney, Perez, and the PUC, the water at the big house will be turned back on.

We also called and texted Perez several times, to find out how much longer he'll allow McMahan to stay in the big house, but he has not contacted us.

Here is the Order from the Texas Public Utilities Commission;