

Sinton woman who paid for installation of iron gates a year ago decides to install herself

and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — On Tuesday, a Sinton woman told her story to the Troubleshooters.

Esther Martinez says she ordered and paid $7,400 for two iron gates for her home, from, CK Kustoms Iron Works of Rockport in July 2020. A year later... still hadn't received them.

That's why she says she contacted us for help. We visited the business Monday, and the owner, Cody Key, told us the situation with Martinez was in the courts.

The Martinez family told us they were willing to drive to Rockport and pick the gates up and install them themselves. Wednesday morning, they showed up at the business.

Key wasn't there, and only one of the gates was available. Key sent word through an employee that he would deliver the second gate to Martinez's home on Thursday.

Martinez also wants to know when Key will refund the $1,200 installation fee she's already paid. We'll keep following this story and let you know what happens next.