

Troubleshooters: United Homes

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Today’s Troubleshooters story is about another family still waiting for their home to be rebuilt after Hurricane Harvey.
And similar to yesterday’s Troubleshooters story…the family’s beef is with the company they paid $130,000.00 to do the job.  

Dennis and Beatrice Limon say they’ve lived in their house for 28 years.
Until Hurricane Harvey forced them out.
They’ve been living in a trailer ever since.

3 months after Harvey, the Limon’s signed a contract with United Built Homes to rebuild their home.
"It was gonna cost me $182,000.00 of which I gave them $130,000.00 down."
Did you catch that ?
Limon gave United Built Homes a $130,000 down payment, in December, 6 months ago, to make his house a home again.
But, "everyday we walk out of that trailer and we look at this and we think about $130,000.  And it’s gone.  And we still don’t have a home."  

Limon says it’s been awhile since ‘any’ work has been done.
There are stacks and stacks of building materials spread across Limon’s property.
Materials he claims have been just sitting outside absorbing snow, rain, wind, heat, and humidity.  the weather.     
And because of that, he wants some of the materials already used, replaced. 
He wants his home back.
"You gave me the price.  I paid the price.  I signed all the paperwork.  I should be able to get what I paid for," he told the Troubleshooters.

What he says he paid for is a 2 bed 2 bath house.  
About 1700 square feet.
He does admit to being so anxious to get the house rebuilt, he didn’t pay particular attention to all terms of the contract.  
And he liked the salesman.
But he’s not too happy anymore.  
"Maybe we made the wrong move by choosing UBH."

And that’s why he says he’s called the Troubleshooters for help, because he distinctly recalls UBH personnel cautioning him about contacting an attorney.
"They told me that if I speak the word ‘attorney’ to the corporate office, they will stop working on my home.  I said ‘well, they aint workin’ on it now.  So what does it matter."   

We spoke with Brian Glass, a regional manager with United Built Homes.
He acknowledges there have been delays in this particular project.
Some weather-related.
Others business-related.
For instance sub-standard work done by some of the sub-contractors UBH hired to do the work.

Other delays, Glass told us, are due to the Limon’s making significant changes to the framing plans.
They downsized from 3 bedrooms to 2.
He also said UBH doesn’t give guaranteed completion dates, but assures us that they’ll do it right.  

As always, whenever you need help from the Troubleshooters, send us an email at: troubleshooters@kztv-10-dot-com.
Or give us a call at 885-0100.