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Mystery animal captured lurking in Rio Grande Valley

Mystery animal in Rio Grande Valley

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A photo of a mysterious animal captured on a walking trail camera in South Texas has left wildlife experts stumped.

Captured on a game camera, the mysterious animal lurking in the Rio Grande Valley has yet to be identified.

"We're scratching our heads trying to identify this elusive creature. Is it a new species? An escapee from a nearby zoo? Or just a park ranger in disguise? Regardless, it's thrilling to see such an incredible animal in its natural habitat," stated the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife on their Facebook page.

"We'll keep you updated as we continue to investigate this mystery," added officials.

State park officials said the photo has gone viral and received tons of feedback on social media as to what species the animal may be.

"We agree with most of the comments that this is very likely an American Badger (not to be confused with the Honey Badger that lives in Africa and Asia and is rumored to not care very much)," stated officials.

This photo was taken by a park visitor, and park officials say they do not have an exact location where the image was taken, except it was indeed in the RGV.