

Locals are taking interest in raising backyard chickens

Consumers are taking a different approach to feeding themselves.
Posted 12:52 AM, Jan 06, 2023
and last updated 1:55 AM, Jan 06, 2023

Backyard chickens, a Facebook page has seen more activity and questions on how to raise chickens. Daniel Graves tells us having an endless supply of eggs means less stress.

"I do comparative shop as well to see what the egg market is doing and it's almost criminal at some point,” Graves said.

Right now, you'll pay anywhere from $5 to $6 dollars for a dozen. The jumbo eggs setting you back more than $7.

Graves said prices and the shortage in eggs is why he wanted to make an investment.

"For our own family (we) just to try and have a little bit more sustainability, than having to rely on a store,” Graves said.

Graves describes raising chickens as times of feast or famine. In his experience, it takes 6 months to see a return in investment.

"Usually by 9 o'clock we have 3 dozen eggs laid that day. There is no shortage on what we want. I can grab it out of the refrigerator or out the coop,” Graves said.

Now, more people are learning about this option. Mason Graves, a poultry expert at Wholly Cow Farm & Ranch in Robstown has noticed more people are interested in raising backyard chickens to lay eggs.

"This winter it's just been multiple calls a day from people asking if we have chickens or asking for special orders,” he said.

Wholly Cow Farm and Ranch selling on average 250 to 275 chickens in two weeks. Their next order is expected to arrive January 20th.

"If you're already paying so much for eggs. You might as well pay a little bit more for feed and get better eggs that are your own eggs,” Graves said.

The ordinance in Corpus Christi allows people to have seven hens and no roosters within city limits

If you're interested, Graves said you can get started with $40 to $60 including feed.