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TIRZ #2 board approves $6 million Briscoe King Pavilion upgrade project


PADRE ISLAND, Tx — The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #2 board, made up of Coprus Christi City Council members and Nueces County Commissioners, voted unanimously to approve a $6 million upgrade project to Briscoe King Pavilion on Padre Island at Tuesday's TIRZ #2 board meeting. The Briscoe King Pavilion upgrade project is led by Nueces County Commissioner for Precinct 4, Brent Chesney.

"This is just going to be a phenomenal project for the island, that''s going to help all of Nueces County. It's going to provide some great public space out there, and I am just excited about it," Nueces County Commissioner for Precinct 4, Brent Chesney, said.

Briscoe King Pavilion is a beachfront event space in Padre Balli Park that can be rented out for private parties and events. However, it does not have air conditioning.

TIRZ #2 board approves $6 million Briscoe King Pavilion upgrade project

“We’ve had fundraisers for the school here and there’s no air conditioning, so in the middle of the summertime, it gets to be a little warm in there if you can imagine," Sarah Park, a Padre Island neighbor said.

The plans to renovate Briscoe King Pavilion include a brand new two-story building which will be built right next to the old Briscoe King building. The old building will stay, and still be available to rent.

“The neat thing is, we’re gonna keep the old space and make it better, but that’s gonna still continue to be able to be rented at one rate. Then, you’re going to have the new space that’s going to be a little nicer, and so forth," Commissioner Chesney said.

Air conditioning will not be added to the old building.

“There’s nine members of the city council that are on that, and there’s only four of us, so they could’ve outvoted us, they didn’t. It’s a partnership, and I appreciate the city’s partnership and the TIRZ’s partnership on this, because we wouldn’t be able to do it if they hadn’t allowed us to fund it," Commissioner Chesney said.

After the announcement of the Briscoe King project approval, excitement sparked among some island neighbors.

“I think people will want to do things like weddings here, host baby showers, just anything to get the community out here and involved and just to see our beauty, all of that would be in the background of this beautiful pavilion," Jessica Fleming, a neighbor who works on Padre Island, said.

The new fully air-conditioned Briscoe King Pavillion will be a two-story building located right next to the old one. The new space will have capacity for about 300 people, and the old space will still be able to host about 170 people.

“Could you imagine having a private event out here with a wedding, or a family reunion, and you’ve got a really great space to do that, with a wonderful backdrop, great boardwalk that leads directly to the beach, I mean there’s so many opportunities out here?” Park said.

It has not been decided yet if the name of the new part of Briscoe King Pavillion will stay the same, or if it will get a new name. Commissioner Chesney said he hopes to get full funding from the city for the project within the next two weeks. He expects construction to start in early 2026.

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