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San Patricio law enforcement learn from driving simulator


SINTON, TX — The Texas Association of Counties brings this virtual world to drivers across the state.

By using this innovative driving simulator, law enforcement can practice safe driving. That includes, when in a pursuit.

“When you get in a high stress situation during a pursuit you get something called tunnel vision and you have to combat that,” Lieutenant Austin Tucker said. 

Lieutenant Tucker said first responders experience a lot of factors when in a pursuit and it’s important for them to stay calm and collected. 

“There’s a lot of distractions inside of our vehicles from radios, computers and computers and different things that keep going off,” Tucker said. 

These are some of outside factors the simulator replicates. Tucker himself has gone through this course three times since 2004. This year not only Tucker but also 48 other deputies had their go at it. 

“My very first time I wrecked it constantly but this time I’m a little more comfortable with it,” Tucker said. 

Driving simulator, Don Courtney is there to reinforce good driving habits. 

“What’s nice about this system is that I can replay it and show them where they didn’t look left or right or when didn’t use their turn signal or they didn’t do something correctly and I can have them redrive it and let them correct themselves,” Courtney said. 

Courtney said studies have shown that driver training programs reduce risks while enhancing the ability to make life saving split second decisions. Plus, it can save the county money. 

“It’s more costs efficient with a driving simulator because if they do wreck, I can just restart the computer as opposed to just wrecking in a vehicle,” Courtney said.