CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A nonprofit that helps veterans in Rockport has suddenly disappeared with no warning. The shutdown comes as a surprise for many.
Overgrown grass and an empty house are the only things left where the Rockport Warriors United retreat once stood.
The nonprofit focused on providing resources and therapy to veterans.
However, without a warning, its website now says they’ve closed, their Facebook page is gone, and their number leads straight to voicemail.
The organization based discontinued its services a week or two ago, according to the Aransas County Veterans Services office.
“They’re no longer a function,” said Veterans Services Officer John Kroll.
This comes only months after the founder David Jones was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Back in March, he was also planning a 220-mile bike ride from Rockport to Austin to promote awareness for the increasing rate of suicide among vets.
“Yeah it was health-related reasons and after that they decided to basically end the retreat,” Kroll said.
The sudden closing also comes as a surprise to the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce staff, who said it had no clue the organization had disbanded.
If you’re a veteran in Rockport in need of veteran resources you can reach out to the Aransas County Veterans Services in Rockport.