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Peaceful rally for “Breonna’s Law” support to be held in Corpus Christi

Kamal Wells Breonna Taylor rally preview.jpg
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — On Saturday, Feb. 13, family and friends of Breonna Taylor will be hosting a peaceful rally to raise awareness and support for the passing of “Breonna’s Law” in Corpus Christi.

Kamal Wells, Taylor’s cousin, and a resident of Corpus Christi for the last six years, is organizing the event.

“The situation that happened on March 13, 2020, can happen anywhere, even in Corpus Christi. These are our efforts to protect and save the community, as well as officers, and the city at large,” Wells said.

According to Wells, “Breonna’s Law” would ban no-knock warrants, and required officers serving warrants to have a body camera on five minutes prior to serving a warrant, and five minutes after everything is complete; unless there is evidence, in which case the camera would remain on until the evidence is stored in an evidence locker.

“‘Beronna’s Law’ is one way in making sure everyone is held accountable. Not everyone who is pinpointed as being a suspect, may not be the suspect someone is looking for. Then, you have a suspect turn into a victim, when they were the wrong suspect to begin with. So, these are some things we’re trying to prevent in the future. We can’t bring Breonna back,” Wells said.

Wells was incarcerated for 14 years, and moved to South Texas six years ago. Over the last 20 years, Wells didn’t get to spend much time with Taylor, instead interacting through correspondents and phone calls.

“She was only 26, so she was a child when I left. In my head, that’s what I remember her the most as, my little cousin. To see this is what happened to her, and I missed out on so many years of her life, I’m compelled to do everything in my power to try to make something right,” he said.

In January, two officers involved in the killing of Taylor were fired from the Louisville Metro Police Department. Wells said the rally is not about the officers involved in Taylor’s death, but rather about making changes that will prevent others from experiencing the same loss.

“In the last 200-something days of protests, the last few weeks, they finally fired two more officers who were involved in the murder. Still no charges have been brought against them. However, this rally is not about the total justice for Breonna, this is more about changing policies and laws that can save lives,” he said.

Wells has met with members of the City Council, as well as Corpus Christi Police Chief Mike Markle, about the passing of “Breonna’s Law” in the city; one that he said is on the rise.

“Anybody who has been anywhere know that when a city grows, crime grows. I don’t want to see a repeat of what happened to my cousin happen to anyone here in Corpus,” he said. “Until we can try to bring some type of reform, to try to better the whole situation that caused her to lose her life, until I’m lifeless, I will continue to fight, to fight for what’s right.”

Wells stressed that the rally will remain peaceful, and that it’s just about raising awareness for Breonna, and “Breonna’s Law.”

“This rally is peaceful, I can’t stress that enough It’s not going to turn into one of the situations that happened in other cities, this is an informational affair to get the word out about what happened to Breonna, what the law entails, how it can help Corpus, how it can help Texas, and how we can move forward from here.”

The rally will start at noon on Saturday. The group will meet at Cole Park, and then walk to City Hall, where members of Taylor’s family, including her mother, Tamika Palmer, will speak.