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Local businesses touching down with an increase in sales during Super Bowl weekend


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Super Bowl weekend isn’t just known for the game or the star-studded half-time show, but also the many courses of snacks and maybe even some alcohol.

Even though the Super Bowl is being played in California, some local businesses in Corpus Christi are benefiting from the game through increased sales.

The Point of Corpus Christi is expecting to touch down with increased customers starting at 12 p.m., hours before the game. They’re offering a free barbecue meal, which they are hoping will also attract people to their bar.

“Downtown as a whole has been really coming up and events like this and Super Bowls and things of that nature, we’ve always been a big part of, we just never really capitalized on it, so hopefully these next couple of years of doing it now, it’s going to be all right,” owner Francisco Cancio said.

But if you feel more like huddling up and tailgating at home, JD’s Liquor Town is at your service. The veteran - owned business typically makes a touch down with double or triple the alcohol sales days before the Super Bowl.

“Usually our customers start coming about midday Fridays and that usually rolls over to Saturday mornings until just about 10 minutes before close actually,” owner Dario “JD” Diaz said.

Diaz said on a regular day, a liquor store can make around $500 to $800 dollars. However during Super Bowl weekend, liquor stores can score up to $10,000. He said Crown Reserve, Crown XO, Jack Daniels and Ciroc are the most poplar alcohols during the Super Bowl.

“It’s a good day to sit back and relax, so we’re here,” Diaz said.

At Prescott Meat Market, owner Peter Patel said their most popular beers are Michelob, Budweiser and Bud Light. He said store sales during the Super Bowl go up ranging from 30 to 50 percent, and customers also huddle up for barbecue meats like ribs, fajitas and sausage.

He said Super Bowl weekend he touches down with beer sales the most on Sunday, especially during the big game’s halftime show.

“In the break-time, like people running low on the beer, just want to make sure they can keep it stocked in the freezer that way they don’t miss any kind of entertainment,” Patel said.