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Kingsville PD tracking a chain of break-ins on local businesses


KINGSVILLE, Tx — With the start of the new year also came the start of a series of break-ins. So far, three Kingsville businesses have fallen victim and they said they aren't the only ones.

The chain of break-ins started at Sunny's Mini Mart on Santa Gertrudis. Sunny's had two back-to-back break ins on Jan. 3 and 4.

"Three or four in the morning was the first break in. They tried to remove the money and stuff from the ATM," Manager Ruben Lopez said.

The attempt to remove the money was unsuccessful, but the suspect damaged to the inside and outside of the machine. The suspect also took several packs of cigarettes and cans of beer.

Lopez said items were stolen both days and the mini mart had to replace the glass both days as well, costing a "pretty penny."

Lopez said he believes it was a two person job because of the big mess that was left behind. Cans and cigarettes were spread across the floor, left for workers to clean up.

Sunny's has put extra security on their building by adding bars over the glass on the outside. But they weren't the only business who needed to put extra protection on their place after a break-in.

The following week, and just down the street, El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant was also hit.

The break-in happened just an hour after the restaurant closed for the night. The suspect shattered the front doors to get in and went after some quick change.

"This machine has quarters, watches, money and everything was completely taken out. There was glass everywhere," Mayeli Zaragoza, who is part of the family owned business, said.

The Kingsville Police Department said there were two males at the scene, which wasn't news to the family owned business.

"It was two people. One of them came inside. Through Young's you can see the shadow of a second person. The neighbors heard and saw a car with two people but they didn't know what was going on," Zaragoza said.

The restaurant had to fix the machine and pay to replace the doors the next day. But the glass wasn't the only thing that was shattered.

"My parents have had this restaurant for a really long time and nothing like this has ever happened," Zaragoza said.

And that's also the case for Sunny's and the Texas Ranch Club, the most recent attempted break-in.

A suspect was seen on surveillance footage breaking a glass, attempting to get into the night club at around four in the morning. Owner Leo Saenz was notified quickly and the alarms went off, scaring the suspect away.

"We're a popular spot for college kids, which is why I make all my games free, no cost to anyone. So if he was looking for money, he wasn't going to find any. It would have been a waste of time," Saenz said.

Video footage also showed the suspect trying to turn off the breakers. Although the break-in was unsuccessful, it still left some damage.

"I had to get plywood at four in the morning and it was cold Tuesday morning it was in the 20's. This (plywood) might be the new normal. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again. I've been here for 25 years and this is the first time this has happened," Saenz said.

All three businesses have been around for over ten years and have never had any problems with crime until now.

Reports were filed from all businesses. The Kingsville PD said all cases are under investigation.

The Texas Ranch Club is offering a $500 reward for anyone who has any leads on these crimes. The reward is in hopes that no other business gets hit.

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