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Family-owned business helps people in Rockport stay warm

Aransas Propane
Long lines waited at Aransas Propane
and last updated

ROCKPORT, Texas — With power being restored for some, people are looking for alternative solutions like generators and propane.

Gregg and Krissie Radley are co-owners of Aransas Propane which is a family-owned business. Gregg Radley said people started forming lines on Feb. 11 preparing for the Big Freeze.

Radley said they opened the gates at 6:30 a.m., started pumping by 7 a.m., and did not close until 11 p.m.

“We tried to service and help everyone and it's not just local," he said. "We’ve heard people have come as far as 40 miles around because there was no propane."

The gas stations in Rockport were closed at the time. People said they waited in line as long as two hours at Aransas Propane. With no time frame on when the power would be restored, folks said they did not mind waiting in line every day.

“We just needed to get some propane," said Jimmy Davis, who waited in line for propane. "We live in an RV and we gotta keep it warm and that’s how we gotta do it with the propane."

Others mentioned similar needs that were filled by Aransas Propane.

“We just gotta do," said Frank Kegykozi, who also waited for propane. "We gotta bare with it. We're winter Texans down here."

Through word of mouth and on Facebook, customers left posts of appreciation.

Radley said because of the icy road conditions and with their suppliers in Corpus Christi being closed, they had to get propane from Houston which caused a price increase. But, through all the challenges, they said they never had to turn a customer away.

“People can have a little bit of patience and understanding that we are human too," Radley said. "We want to get a little sleep at night, get a little something to eat, you know that type of thing. But customers have been awesome."

For more information about Aransas Propane visit their Facebook page here.