CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Colder temperatures are not only a concern for humans but also for our animals in the ocean.
According to officials from the National Park Service, 27 cold-stunned turtles were located in Texas. This includes 7 from the Galveston Area, 1 from Aransas Bay, 18 from the Upper Laguna Madre, and 1 from the Lower Laguna Madre/South Padre Island.
All the green sea turtles were located alive.
"Thank you to many concerned private citizens who have rescued cold-stunned turtles and to staff and volunteers from the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, ARK, Sea World San Antonio, Texas State Aquarium, Texas Sea Life Center, Texas A&M University-Galveston, Houston Zoo, NOAA-Fisheries, Sea Turtle, Inc., Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas General Land Office, Texas Master Naturalist, Gladys Porter Zoo, University of Texas, Mission-Aransas Estuarine Research Reserve, Sea Tow, CCA, Coastal Bend Bays, and Estuaries Program, Keep Aransas County Beautiful, U.S. Coast Guard, Mid-Coast Sea Turtle Rescu,e and other organizations for their help with efforts to find, document, rehabilitate, and release cold-stunned turtles on the Texas coast," stated Donna Shaver with the NPS.

Area Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Facilities
Texas Sealife Center
Address: 14220 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: (361) 589-4023
Amos Rehabilitation Keep (ARK)
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Address: 750 Channel View Drive Port Aransas, TX 78373
Phone: (361) 749-6711
Injured Shore Bird Ark Hotline: (361) 749-6793
Texas State Aquarium’s Wildlife Rescue Center
Address: 4230 Rincon Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78402
Phone: (361) 881-1210