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Calallen businesses receive donations for Sinton residents recovering from fires


Since Tuesday, fires in Sinton have caused somber and worry for those who are nearby in places such as Calallen.

“I wasn’t sure what to think," Courtesy Barber Studio Cosmetologist Jessica Mueller said. "It was scary, I guess, knowing that I have family in Sinton and the fires were very close.”

Over 175 acres of land were affected by the fires, and numerous residents lost everything they had, which led some business owners to consider lending a hand.


“How can I help?," Sassy Kat Boutique Owner Kathy Mitchell said. "I can donate."

So, they decided to get into action.

Courtesy Barber Studio and the Sassy Kat Boutique both made posts on Facebook, encouraging neighbors to help.

Fortunately, they did. One by one, neighbors stopped by to both places dropping of clothing, toiletries, bedding an other essentials that those affected may need.

“ It’s been crazy," Mitchell said. "My phone has been going insane. We had a lady from Orange Grove and Robstown come to donate. It’s wonderful.”

Because at the end of the day, Coastal Bend neighbors have to stick together during hard times like this.

“We should all care for one another and help our community," Mueller said.

Both of these businesses will continue to help donate as much as they can until this issue is extinguished. If you would like to help, reach out to these businesses:

  • Courtesy Barber Studio-4040 IH-69 Access Rd Unit G, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
  • Sassy Kat Boutique- 15122 Northwest Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78410

A full list of businesses can be found here.

"Hang in there," Mitchell said. "We’re coming together for you and we’re praying for you all."

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