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Bishop community members talk water meters, a proposal to be discussed

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BISHOP, TX — Bishop City Council is proposing new water meters be placed around town and some community members said they are all for the idea for a few different reasons.

Oscar Rodriquez has lived in Bishop for about 50 years. His water meter is on the side of his house and has already been through an upgrade once.

"This is the second one they install. The first one I had was alright, but they updated it to this one," Bishop local Oscar Rodriquez said.

But even with that upgrade, his water meter has already caused some problems that Rodriquez considers dangerous to those who come near it.

"This part broke off and it has a crack in it. We even had a party and a lady stepped into the meter. That's why I have this to cover it up," Rodriquez said.

Rodriquez said his water bill costs him $87 a month and he wouldn't mind if his bill goes up if it gives him a more accurate reading.

"If they want to fix it and update, then yes I would take it. Maybe my water bill will go down or stay the same, I don't know. I'm for it if they do. But if they don't, I hope they will fix mine," Rodriquez said.

And Bishop local Michael Williams agrees.

"As long as it's reasonably priced, I don't mind it," Williams said.

Williams has been dealing with some water leak issues recently.

"I have a leak on one side of the property and another leak on the other side," Williams said.

He said he's all for passing the proposal, but hopes if the city votes yes on new water meters, that they will be smart meters that way they will hear leaks before they become a bigger problem.

"If it detects both sides, property owner and city, that would be great. Then they would know if they have a leak or if I have a leak. That would be great," Williams said.

The city council will discuss the water meter proposal more at their upcoming meeting in January.

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