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Corpus Christi Police says child loses teeth during chase


Two men are facing several charges after they allegedly tried evading Corpus Christi Police.  A child is injured during

The wild chase began around 1:30 p.m. Saturday along the 4800 block of Weber Road. Police say they tried to pull over a truck for a traffic violation, but the vehicle sped away, running red lights.

Officers later spotted the truck abandoned in the 4900 block of Monitor Street. Residents in that area told police that they witnessed a man and a young child running away from the truck and get into a white Mustang.

Officers spotted a car matching the witnesses descriptions with two people and a child inside. Police say the suspects abandoned the car and left the child inside the car in the 4200 block of McArdle Road.

Investigators said a foot pursuit began and two suspects were arrested.

Police say they arrested of 31-year-old Louis Maldonado and 27-year-old Richard Weakly.

Senior Officer Travis Pace, with the Corpus Christi police department, said a child that was with Maldonado had his front teeth knocked out due to fleeing and evading police.

During a search of both vehicles, officers found a bag of cash, counterfeit money, and recovered three guns.

Maldonado was charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle,  evading arrest, endangering a child, injuring a child, child abandonment, and forgery.

Richard Weakley was charged for evading arrest.

The child was treated at the scene.