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City monitoring levels as water from Central Texas rains move toward Lake Corpus Christi


Recent heavy rains in Central Texas have caused an increase of water entering the Nueces River near the Asherton and Cotulla areas.

According to the city of Corpus Christi, current predictions show approximately 90,000 acre-feet of water moving along the Nueces River and into Lake Corpus Christi in the next 6 to 9 days.

The Lake Corpus Christi reservoir is currently at a depth of 92.98 feet with little room for expansion. The reservoir is considered full when the depth at the Wesley Seale Dam reaches 94 feet.

The city says that based on current predictions, the dam will reach maximum capacity between Oct. 24 and 27, resulting in a need to release water.

City officials say they continue to rely on information provided by the National Weather Service and River Prediction Center to balance the dam’s integrity with downstream flooding. Residents can view this information at

The city says it will continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust any water releases as necessary to protect property along Lake Corpus Christi, the Wesley Seale Dam and along the Nueces River downstream.

Residents are encourages to sign up for emergency notifications from the city at