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Dallas company gives 86 year old Flour Bluff lady brand new roof

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The day has finally come.

Leota Gaines has the new roof she’s been waiting for.

“The noise on the roof is like music to my ears,” said Gaines.

It all started when 86-year-old Gaines gave Skylar Buras, a roofing contractor from Dallas, the $8500 insurance check for her roof damaged by Hurricane Harvey.

Later, Buras was arrested in San Antonio for allegedly scamming other seniors in roofing deals.

Crest Exteriors came down from Dallas and is putting on a brand new roof for Gaines. Free of charge.

Crest Exteriors isn’t the only ones that like to help people out. Leota Gaines has been helping kids since the 70’s. Now, she makes stuffed animals that she gives to the Ronald McDonald House and Driscoll Children’s Hospital.

“I don’t mind helping those that are less fortunate. I’ve sen the other side off the fence and I know they need help.,” said Gaines. “If I can give somebody help, what am I here for? Why am I on this earth at 86 almost 87?”

Gaines says she is going to keep making stuffed animals and giving them away, and I’m sure Crest Exteriors is going to keep giving as well..

Hopefully every will be as appreciative as Gaines.

“There’s no words in the world that could ever ever say how much I appreciate this. Its unreal. I mean, I am without words,” said Gaines.

Crest Exteriors has one more job here in Corpus Christi. If you are interested in donating your time to help, contact Crest Exteriors: (972) 675-7663