Brian Rosas

What is your age?
48 years old
What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?
Corpus Christi Army Depot Aircraft Mechanic/Electrician
What relevant experience can you bring to office?
Being a former council member, I am dedicated to addressing issues and prioritizing within the city’s budget without costing tax payers more money or cutting programs. I am passionate about seeing the city grow to its potential.
I am an advocate for city improvement and making Corpus Christi a destination for new comers and improving the lives of those who make our beautiful city their home.
How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?
Being a former council member, I am dedicated to addressing these issues and prioritizing them within our budget without costing taxpayers more money or cutting programs.
Being a lifelong resident of District 2 of Corpus Christi, a Texas A&M- Corpus Christi alumni and a family man, I have a wealth of knowledge about the city budget and how taxpaying dollars can be prioritized to give citizens your City service.
Which problems would you address on your first day in office?
Election day is November 8th. God willing, we win and I'm elected, even before Day 1 in office, count on me to sit down with city staff and lay out a plan to put Neighborhoods First by supporting public safety, residential street improvements, and fixing our crumbling infrastructure.
What do you see as long-term issues which need to be addressed throughout your time in office?
Safe neighborhoods, residential streets, crumbling infrastructure, lower taxes and fees... These shouldn't be long term issues but they are.
In District 2, I will make our neighborhoods safe again and rebuild our residential streets and utilities. Every street and utility line we can get approved in the budget means we are doing what the citizens expect of us, and that's to put neighborhoods first and in-fill type of programs to help with affordable homes.
We need to adopt a zero-based budget with my council members and adopt to ensure services would continue without cutting services and raising taxes.
What is local government doing well right now that needs to be expanded further?
When I was your City Councilman for District 2 we created the Residential Street Rebuild Program. It was the first of its kind in the city and it needs to be expanded, without raising taxes or fees. God willing, the voters elect me again, I'll fight to expand residential street rebuilds putting our neighborhood’s first.
Sylvia Campos
What is your age?
What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?
I was a medical biller for 40 years. I am now a community organizer for an organization called For The Greater Good.
What relevant experience can you bring to office?
My background is in community organizing. I feel the people have not been represented. We have had mostly business men serving in the City Council.
How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?
My grassroots work. My activism started with the Boston Social Forum back in 2003. It was a way for citizens to solve social and economic issues, brought that idea back to Corpus and launched the Coastal Bend Social Forum.
I was recruited by the deputies to gather 7k signatures to place Collective Bargaining on the Ballot. They had tried for years and were not able to collect the signatures.
I was recruited after they saw me collecting signatures against the War in Iraq. Chair of the Progressive Populist Caucus, President of the Corpus Christi Barrios Association, Treasurer of the ACLU, Secretary of the LWV, Chair of 12 thousand TREES for 2012.
Member of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board, then member of Tree Advisory Board and National Delegate for Bernie Sanders. I first ran in 2018 after attending city council meetings and discovering the City was short 20 million dollars and our libraries were about to lose accreditation.
We discovered 72 corporations weren’t paying their fair share of taxes. We also have these same corporations getting an almost 40% discount on their water. They are excluded from drought restrictions because they pay a .25 self assessed fee to prevent them from following this, so therefore there is no incentive to cut back. We should implement a progressive rate.
Which problems would you address on your first day in office?
Implementing a 14 day circle back to citizens. A Policy to Follow up on matters brought up to council. Negotiate the IDA’s that would favor its citizens not large corporations. Go back to the worst streets first.
What do you see as long-term issues which need to be addressed throughout your time in office?
Making sure our residential streets, sidewalks, lighting,libraries, parks and senior centers are never forgotten again for 20 years or more!
What is local government doing well right now that needs to be expanded further?
We need to continue to invest in our infrastructure.
Mark Scott

What is your age?
What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?
I have worked for San Jacinto Title Services for over 25 years. I am currently the Coastal Bend Region President
What relevant experience can you bring to office?
I have served on City Council previously. I am proud of those efforts that included Packery Channel, Whataburger Field and street reconstruction, maintenance funding mechanisms.
I am currently a member of the Regional Water Planning Group giving me keen insight on our ongoing water planning/development issues.
I have also been active on the Military Affairs Task Force giving me an awareness of our local Military needs and potential opportunities to expand on their presence. I have over 30 years of local, small business experience.
How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?
I believe we are the sum total of our successes and failures. I have had an interest in city and community development/leadership for years.
I am a graduate of Leadership Corpus Christi and the Texas Lyceum. I have a degree from Texas A&M-Kingsville and Texas A&M-CC.
Being active in Texas A&M-CC and Kingsville alumni activities gives me an insight on opportunities to grow their presence. I have also watched Carol's successful leadership with Del Mar College.
Which problems would you address on your first day in office?
Certainly, we have to solidify our next water supply. I have said that it needs to be:
- Affordable
- Reliable
- Environmentally responsible
I would set about getting completely briefed on our current water efforts and work to make sure we confirm and implement the best alternative.
Great Cities start with Great neighborhoods. District 2 is home to many of them. I will work to obtain more funding for proper maintenance and reconstruction of residential streets.
I do think the City Council has moved well on street reconstruction and maintenance. But there are opportunities to do more. It also means parks that are well maintained (mowed). I will also work to keep neighborhoods free from high grass and abandoned houses.
I think now is the time to begin planning for a new alternative runway/field for the Navy. This might be a 20 year plan, but it would end with the Navy deeding Cabaniss Field to the city and the region providing a new field that has less neighboring issues.
What do you see as long-term issues which need to be addressed throughout your time in office?
Long term issues need to be tackled immediately. Please see above. Regarding Streets, Water, Jobs and the Military's presence
What is local government doing well right now that needs to be expanded further?
I am generally an advocate for smaller government. I do think we have a significant homeless issue that needs additional support. That includes government support for affordable houseing though grants, abatements and permit/fee waivers.
I advocate for the local efforts to support the military, but think we can expand upon them. There are really opportunities to bring jobs to our community.
Answers to KRIS 6 News questionnaires were written by the candidates in their own words and received little-to-no editing from KRIS 6 News employees.
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