

Diaper tax exemption will bring relief to local families


Real Diapers said mothers in the U.S. are spending on average $17 a week on diapers for their youngest child

While a 20-count pack of adult diapers can cost anywhere from $22 to $25 the cost adds up. 

“A box is probably $30 to $40. That does add up quite a bit,” said one parent. 

Brando Herrera and Clarissa Gomez have noticed a price increase in diapers. Now that their baby, Jeremiah is turning one, they’ll be happy to leave behind the diapers and save money. 

“Putting that money away and setting aside for college or something for your kid. Times are tough and anything helps,” said Gomez.

Times are tough for everyone including individuals with disabilities who use adult diapers 

“The price is significantly higher for adult's diapers,” said Michelle Jones. 

Jones is a member of the disability community. She personally cares for her 26-year-old disabled son Charlie. 

“My son goes through roughly 1,800 diapers a year. If you were to break that down that would be a little over $200 savings a year in taxes,” Jones said. 

If the bill passes, it would update the state’s tax code to add diapers to its list of medical products with sales tax exemptions.

That’s exactly what Jones is hoping for. 

“Giving them a tax break on something like that would be just like how we don’t pay taxes on food because it’s a necessity to live,” Jones explained. 

If passed, the sales tax exemption would take effect on Sept. 1, 2023.