A man brutally murdered in a field, his killer has never been caught.
Investigators want your help solving this case.
It’s our Crime Of The Week.

Back on May 2, 2012, Guillermo Alonso of Alamo, Texas was murdered.
His body was found in a field near Farm Market Road 2922 near Clarkwood.
Detectives say Alonso had been shot 8 times in the back.
Alonso had told family members he was planning to return home the day before his murder, but he never made it.
Police never found Alonso’s gray and blue 2000 Chevy truck.
If you know who is responsible, or have any additional information about this murder, call Crime Stoppers at 888-TIPS.
Crime Stoppers guarantees to keep your identity secret and if the information leads to an arrest, it could earn you up to $2,500 dollars in cash.