Students with the Corpus Christi Independent School District will not be on campus on the first day of school which also means school zone signs will not be flashing for a while.
However, CCISD officers want drivers to get in the habit of driving safely. CCISD police have been working closely with the City of Corpus Christi on an appropriate time to re-enable lights in the school zones.
“We want to get too, and from school, a safe manner,” said Chief of Police with CCISD Kirby Warnke.
Warnke says the global pandemic has brought many changes to their campuses and since students are getting ready to begin remote learning for a while, flashing lights in the school safety zones will come to a halt.
“While there’s no students in school we will not have signalized school zones the school zones will be activated once the students start going to school,” said Warnke.
The set date to have students for in-person classes will resume on September 8th. In the meantime, regular speed limits will continue but until then CCISD Chief Warnke says it’s never too early for drivers to get in the habit of safe driving.
“Be patient and understand that everyone is trying to get to the same spot at one time, be kind be a friendly driver, you know Texas driving be a friendly driver, just understand that everyone is trying to get there safely and help everyone accomplish that mission,” said Warnke.
To promote student safety, the Corpus Christi Street Operations Department has a few tools in the works that also includes an app that you can download on your smartphone.
The app will notify drivers when they about to enter a school zone this will help prevent drivers in receiving a citation, putting yourself or students in harm's way.