

Rummage sale to benefit cancer patient


If you enjoy rummage sales there’s one this Sunday at the Corpus Christi Police Athletic League Center.

Kara Morris is organizing the event, to raise money for her Friend Ashley Chumley.

Chumley is 28-years-old and was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer in January, after going through rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, she not only lost her hair but her job and eventually her home.

“For somebody that is a very generous, humble person, for this disease to happen to them, it’s very heartbreaking,” says organizer Kara Morris.

Morris says Chumley owes the hospital about $100,000. The bills will only continue accumulating because she has an aggressive form of cancer, and needs chemotherapy once again.

Chumley also needs an expensive surgery in the next few months.

“In the next 3 months they’ll have a really high success rate, if she doesn’t there’s a chance that cancer can continue to grow,” says Morris.

Morris is inviting the community to the rummage sale this Sunday. Every item purchased, bringing hope to Chumley and her loved ones.

“She’s going to eventually look past this and it’s just a story, it’s just part of her past and not something that, takes her life,” says Morris.

The rummage sale is Sunday, October,  21 at the Corpus Christi Police Athletic League located at 702 S. Brownlee Blvd. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For details visit the event page.