

Busy 24-hour period for Border Patrol with three separate marijuana hauls


U.S. Border Patrol agents have been busy disrupting marijuana smuggling attempts across the Rio Grande Valley.

During a wild 24-hour period, the agents were involved in three separate incidents. Their haul was more than 810 pounds of marijuana valued at $657,000.

It started on Sunday morning when Kingsville agents assigned to train check duties near Sarita boarded a rail car after a Border Patrol K-9 alerted them to the cargo. Upon inspection, agents discovered eight duffel bags containing 70 bundles of marijuana weighing more than 390 pounds. Estimated worth was pegged at $315,000.

Later that afternoon, agents observed a Chevrolet Impala traveling away from the Rio Grande at a high rate of speed in a desolate area near Donna. As mobile units approached the vehicle, the driver attempted to evade agents and eventually abandoned the vehicle. Agents arrested the driver after a Border Patrol K-9 successfully located him hiding in the brush nearby. Inside the vehicle, agents discovered 11 bundles of marijuana weighing more than 320 pounds worth an estimated $261,000.

On Monday morning, Fort Brown agents observed several subjects carrying bundles of narcotics near Brownsville.  As agents responded, the smugglers abandoned the bundles and fled to Mexico. A search of the immediate area resulted in the arrest of Mexican juvenile and three bundles of marijuana weighing more than 100 pounds worth an estimated $81,000.