

Two homeowners who say were defrauded by roofer get unexpected gifts


Back in May, we showed you the story of Pastor John Smith.

His roof was destroyed by Hurricane Harvey and the roofing contractor who promised to do the job took his $21,000 insurance check and never came back.

The good news, Crest Exteriors out of Dallas saw our story and came down to take measurements and soon Smith will have a brand new roof for free.

"It’s a wonderful thing that is happening everything is taken care of and I couldn’t as for anything any better and without Crest Exteriors, it wouldn’t be done. Without Dr. Brad, they wouldn’t have seen the story, so I am so blessed," said Smith.

Pastor Smith isn’t the only house that Crest Exteriors is going to put a roof on. Across town in Flour Bluff, 86-year-old Leota Gaines is going to have this roof replaced, but that is only part of the story.

Ms. Gaines makes stuffed animals and donates them to places like Driscoll Children’s Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House. She sews about 1000 of these toys a year.

When she heard Crest Exteriors was going to put on a roof, Gaines was about as happy as one of the kids getting a stuffed animal.

"To think that Action 10 went to the problem of coming out and talking to me and seeing what my problem was and the help they been is just unreal," said Gaines.

Smith and Gaines roofs should be on after the July 4th holiday.  Landen Smith from Crest will take the measurements back to Dallas. From there he will order the roofing materials, and he and his guys will be back to install the roof free of charge.

"It’s just the right thing to do for somebody that needs us and at the end of the day it’s not a lot of work for us that’s what we do," said Smith.

It’s people like Crest Exteriors that help make the world…just a little bit happier.