

China spells out tariffs it plans on US goods


China plans to impose 25 percent tariffs on roughly $50 billion of U.S. goods in retaliation for the Trump administration’s announcement Friday that it would impose duties of the same amount on $50 billion of Chinese goods, according to a report from the official news agency Xinhua.
The tariffs will come in two steps, beginning with duties on 545 U.S. products worth $34 billion that will be focused on farm goods, cars and seafood, Xinhua said.
A second round of tariffs, to be imposed on an unspecified date, on 114 items worth $16 billion will mostly hit chemicals, medical equipment and energy products.
Trump has threatened to hit China with duties on another $50 billion of goods if it retaliates. China "has noticed the U.S. statement" and "reserves its rights to take corresponding measures," a government official said, accordin