

Victory Professional Wrestling has free summer camp for kids


Rolando Villarreal has a wrestling ring in his back yard.

From now till August, 4 days a week, kids can come here and learn the art and science of professional wrestling in a safe environment.

"Students are really excited they’ve come in to work we’ve taken every precaution to make sure they are safe," said Villarreal.

Villarreal said he got the idea from the fans who attended victory pro wrestling matches held at the Corpus Christi Events Center..

"The fans actually asked me for something to do and they wanted something to do during the summer," said Villarreal.

One of the students, Seiji Jasso said, "when my parents told me.. I said yes.. I’m down with it."

One of the kids favorite wrestlers is Nacho Lego. He says the kids aren’t going to learn how to beat someone up. Instead they learn discipline and self-defense.

"It teaches them how to defend themselves in case a bully wants to come by. We don’t teach them how to hurt people, but we can teach them how to defend themselves," said Nacho Lego.

Today the kids are learning a shoulder roll. But it wont be long  till they will be imitating their favorite Victory Professional Wrestler.

For more info on how to sign up for the camp: