

Thieves steal valuable equipment from CC Police Athletic League


The Corpus Christi Police Department is searching for a group of thieves caught on camera stealing thousands of dollars worth of equipment from a local non-profit.

The break-in took place just before midnight at the Corpus Christi Police Athletic League located on South Brownlee Blvd.

The surveillance video shows a suspect handing a man bolt cutters. As he attempts to break the lock, another man is seen keeping guard.

The first suspect then goes inside the shed and is seen walking out with tools.

Minutes later, two other suspects are seen hauling off equipment in wheelbarrows.

Altogether the thieves stole a power washer, chainsaws, edgers and weed cutters. Totaling an estimated two to $3,000.

Sergeant David Morris says the thieves are not only stealing from the non-profit but the hundreds of kids they help.

“You know we strive pretty hard to be able to have the stuff that we do have, whatever lawn equipment, all the stuff that we have. And then for somebody, in a matter of minutes to have a total disregard for what we’re trying to do for the kids and the community, end up taking this stuff, it’s going to have to be replaced,” says Sergeant David Morris. “It’s a shame because now it’s taking away from what we could be doing and part of the programs for the kids.”

The non-profit says they are safeguarding their remaining equipment.

They are also accepting donations to alleviate some of the costs.

Based on the surveillance video, the Corpus Christi Police Department says they are looking for a total of five individuals.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers at 888-TIPS.