

How lake levels affect city water restrictions


Lake levels in the Coastal Bend are monitored for more than just keeping an eye on popular recreation spots.

Water level data from Lake Corpus Christi and the Choke Canyon Reservoir also triggers different stages of the city’s drought contingency plan.

Action 10 News continuously monitors combined lake levels, and that information is available on the Action 10 Weather page.

Stage 1 of the plan is activated when levels drop below 40 percent. Mandatory restrictions under stage 1 include limiting lawn watering to once a week, using only hose-end sprinklers or an automatic irrigation system.

If lake levels drop below 30 percent capacity, tighter restrictions kick in, including restrictions on watering golf courses, and limiting home lawn watering to once every other week.

Stage 3 restrictions are triggered when levels dip below 20 percent, and bans watering all together.  Washing vehicles is limited to only commercial car washes, and pools or hot tubs cannot be filled unless it is with a non-city water source.

An emergency water shortage, declared by the City Manager or other designated official, would trigger stage 4. This stage of the contingency plan combines all restrictions outlined in stages 1, 2 and 3, and can include drought surcharges on customer’s water bills, 

The city of Corpus Christi’s current drought contingency plan is available here: