

SBA delays funding home loan to veteran


Joe and Lynn Brioch’s home was destroyed by hurricane Harvey.

The neighbors offered the Broich’s  their trailer for temporary housing

So they moved into the less than modest conditions, their refrigerator to big to fit inside, the electricity only works on one side of the house and a back room doesn’t even have a floor

This isn’t exactly luxury living is it? "No sir. Not at all I’m not used to this," said Broich.

But luck was starting to turn for the Broich’s.

In December their loan was approved by the SBA, and with money on its way, the Oak Creek Home Center ordered their new custom home to be built.

It was delivered to the dealership in January.

Mrs. Broich picked out the counter tops she picked out the cabinets this was exactly the way Mrs. Broich wanted it. 

When she saw the home, she loved it.

A week later she passed away.

Lynn Broich succumbed to cancer, it was her wish that she live in the home; if just for a while.

It is now almost June and the SBA still has not funded the loan and the home still sits on Oak Creeks lot.

Mr Broich is 78 years old, his wife passed away  and he doesn’t have a home right now, How is this effecting him? "It’s rough, believe me. I’m getting kind of not really getting over it. I’m accepting it," said Broich.

To help him cope, Joe has enlisted the help of his good friend, Jess Opulencia, who is exasperated at how long its taken SBA to fun the loan that was approved in December.

"He was approved for the loan. They continually asked him for more documentation. We faxed things they said they are not getting the faxes. We have fax confirmations showing we did send the stuff," said Opulencia.

Opulencia also sent a letter to the Governor, to no avail.