

Sam Kane Beef owes millions for utilities


Kane Beef company executives met with city leaders today to figure out how the meat packer will pay back the millions owed to the city in unpaid utility bills.

Kane Beef owes more than $2.3 million in utilities, dating back more than a year.  The company agreed to make weekly payments of more than $35,000 to pay back the debt, however Mayor Joe McComb says the first check bounced.

The mayor wants that money collected especially as the city looks at ways to make up a multi-million dollar budget shortfall.

"This business has just taken the city for granted and going for the ride as long as they can. those days are over — at least while I’m here," said McComb.

The CEO of Kane Beef says the company intends to pay the city back in full, but McComb says it shouldn’t have taken this long for the council to find out about this debt.

And that’s one of the reasons he called for a special city council meeting next Tuesday.

Kane Beef isn’t the only business that is delinquent on utility payments there are more than 13,000 companies with past due accounts.