

Moody High School is Feeding Family


For the third time this Spring, Moody High School is partnering with the Coastal Bend Food Bank and giving the surrounding community something to smile about.

Moody High School, located on the west side of town, has never been considered the "rich school" in fact, its students come from some of the statistically struggling neighborhoods, but what they lack in material possessions they make up for ten times over in heart and spirit.

The cultural norm at Moody High School consists of students that are eager to volunteer and lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.

"We’re all a family, we all care about each other and it’s just we’re all united and it’s just great to give back to the community," senior student-athlete, Jordan Meza explained. 

"We noticed a lot of our own kids and their families were telling us that they didn’t have money towards the end of the month, the only place they were eating was at school," principal, Dr. Sandra Clemente said. 

However this humble community stepped up just as soon as a need was identified, it created a solution. 

"We served 542 families last month and we suspect that we are going to serve about that many this month as well," Dr. Clemente said. 

Service from the food pantry truck includes: snacks, fresh fruits, vegetables, drinks, bread and quite possibly, a huge life lesson.

"I saw a kid earlier smile and say thanks to the drinks.  That’s crazy to see people that are in need for stuff like that," baseball player, Dominick Lopez said. 

"Our school is such a family and we want to keep that bond and giving back is a way to keep it tight and tight knit," Moody student-volunteer, Hannah Ritchie told KZTV. 

The students at Moody High School are learning just how good giving can be for the soul.

"You know I learned that whenever you are down there is always someone lower than you so keep your head up and stay positive," Lopez added. 

"A lot of adults tell me they are worried about the youth, I’m not worried at all, they are the first ones to step up and do…you just tell them and they are like where do I go? if it’s to help somebody else, I’m there," Dr. Clemente said.