

Mississippi teen jailed on charges he threatened shooting


JACKSON, Miss. (AP) – A Mississippi high school student is jailed after the FBI charged him with threatening a school shooting over social media.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Roy Percy on Friday ordered 19-year-old Nathan Caleb Brown of Southaven held without bail, finding he was too dangerous to release.
Defense lawyers representing Brown couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. Court papers show they oppose the judge’s denial of bail.
Court papers show officials confiscated three handguns, two knives and a box of ammunition from Brown’s home.
The FBI arrested Brown on Thursday at DeSoto Central High School in Southaven. Court papers show Brown admits making the postings, saying they were meant "to be funny online."
Officials were criticized for ignoring tips warning about shooting suspect before the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17.

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