

Illegal paraphernalia reported at Suter Wildlife Refuge


Hans and Pat Suter’s Wildlife Refuge lies just off Ennis Joslin Road by the University.

Although the park closes at ten and not alcohol is allowed, there are signs of drinking, drug paraphernalia and condom wrappers.

CCPD told us the is a Park and Rec issue. The Park District told us this was a police matter.

The answer lies in your cell phone.

Lt. John Hooper at CCPD suggests using Corpus Christi Mobile.

It’s an app.

"You use your Smart phone you go to the apple store or the Google play and you download the app you look for Corpus Christi Mobile app and that app will allow you to report issues on the go," said Kim Womack.

Once the incident is reported, here’s what happens, "once those items are reported the City of Corpus Christi makes a work order and issues them to the departments involved to get those things taken care of," said Womack.

Here is a link to the app: