

Houston teen’s reaction to Stanford acceptance goes viral


A young man’s reaction to a college acceptance letter is going viral.

Video shows the moment Micheal Brown learned he was admitted to Stanford University. 

His mother filmed her 17-year-old son’s reaction to the news.

Turns out, this was the first of several college acceptance letters the 17-year-old would receive. 

The Houston resident applied to 20 of the best universities in the U.S., and get admitted to every single one. 

He also received 260-thousand-dollars in additional scholarship offers.

His top eight choices are Harvard, Princeton, Northwestern, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Georgetown and Vanderbilt.

Currently a high school senior, Micheal has been heavily involved in his school’s debate team, mock trial and student government for years. 

He has also volunteered for political campaigns.

He plans to major in political science, but is also considering a second degree in economics.