

Starting with paperclip, 6-year-old boy is on mission to trade his way to house

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Posted 2:08 PM, Aug 16, 2021
and last updated 2:42 PM, Aug 16, 2021

MILWAUKEE, Wis. — A 6-year-old boy in Milwaukee is on a mission to help out his family in one of the most unique and imaginative ways possible.

Starting with a paperclip, Jackson Promo is trying to trade for various items all the way up to a house.

"If I do that, (mom is) going to buy me a new iPad," Jackson said.

His mom told him a story about a man who successfully did this in 2005, and that's when Jackson set out on his journey.

Jackson Promo
Jackson Promo wears a karate sparring kit he traded for.

In just the first few days of trading, Jackson made his way up to trading for two lawnmowers. They both need a little bit of work, but a local mechanic said he would do it for free and even teach Jackson a little bit on how to do it.

While his initial success has been fast, Jackson thinks it will take a pretty long time to get to his goal of a new house for his family.

"I would have to trade a lot of stuff. (I) would have to trade everything that I'm getting and getting and getting, and it's a lot of stuff. So I think it's going to take 30 years."

The "stuff" that Jackson is referring to are the donations that have come flooding in from people around Wisconsin. It has consisted of everything from children's toys, baseball gloves, WiFi routers, and much more. One person gave him vintage license plates that Jackson was able to trade for an old iPod.

It's all thanks to his Facebook page called Jax's Trading Extravaganza. He already has about 700 followers. That's where you can go to get any updates or help Jackson reach his goal.

"It shows me how caring of a boy he is, and I know that he’s going to grow up to be a great man, and that's the most any parent could hope for," his mom, Heather Promo, said.

Jackson has one important message for anyone who is reading this: "Hey guys, do you want to trade with me?"

Click here to help him out.

This story was originally published by James Groh at WTMJ.