

Watch “Coastal Living” and you could win tickets to Moody Gardens "Holiday in the Gardens"

Moody Gardens

The holidays are a magical time of year and you and your family can take in all the fun, laughter, and joy on Galveston Island at Moody Gardens.

From November 18 to January 6, Moody Gardens transforms into a festive wonderland with "Holiday in the Gardens."

There is something for everyone from ice sculptures to a mile-long trail illuminated by two million lights.

It’s a magical place you will want to check out.

Watch Coastal Living during the week of November 13 through November 17 for your chance to win a family 4-pack of tickets for this wonderful holiday experience. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week we will provide a keyword you can enter for your chance to win, and the winner from each day will be announced on the next day’s show!

Please check out the rules posted here. Then tune in to “Coastal Living” and listen for the keyword that you can enter for a chance to win a 4-pack of tickets! And listen up for a little extra added to the Thursday giveaway!

Good luck!

Click here for complete giveaway rules.